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A Simple Time Management Tool for the Holiday Season Ahead

The Christmas season is right around the corner.

Perfect day to look at the weeks ahead and get organized. 

I’ll admit, looking at my calendar and to-do list, I’m feeling overwhelmed. And when my schedule gets a little too full, I get cranky, anxious and more than a little irritable. 

I love Christmas. I want a December that is joyful. Fun. Filled with the Christmas spirit. But that goes out the window when I can’t find a parking spot at the mall, am late to an event or struggle to find the perfect gift for a loved one.   

I’m thinking I could use a little something-something to take the edge off. Keep me sane. Calm. And allow me to enjoy the holiday season. 

Tempting…… but no. Not that.

A Smart Little Time Management Tool 

A few years ago, I came across a very clever idea that may be just what I need.   

It’s a small habit that comes from a time management book called 18 Minutes by Peter Bregman. 

The habit is simple. Every hour, pause. Ask yourself 2 questions: 

  1. Am I doing what I most need to be doing right now? 

  2. Am I being who I most want to be right now?

 It only takes a minute. Two if I’m off track.    

Trying it Out 

I tried this out a couple of years ago. But I couldn’t make it work. Kept forgetting about it.

Recently I recommended this tool to a client. Got me thinking maybe I should give it another whirl.  

This time I have the perfect way to embed it into my daily routine. 

There’s a chrome extension I’ve been using for another habit. I can add this. Schedule the reminder. And a unobtrusive reminder pops up every hour all day long.

So far….. 

I’ve been trying it for a few days now. I’m prone to ignore it more than I should, so a bit of a learning curve.

I’m also experimenting with the timing. Maybe 2 hours would work better?    

Still figuring out the details.  

I’m optomistic. And I can see that if I keep it up, this might help ensure this Christmas season really is “the most wonderful time of the year”. 

See this gallery in the original post