Book Club Chapter 3: Time for Strategy

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Welcome back.

Ready for Chapter 3?

Let’s talk strategy.

This chapter offers a great diagnostic tool, comprehensive case study and other goodies to help with your transition strategy.  

Here’s what stood out for me this week:   

Stars Model

The core of this chapter is the STARS model shown in Table 3.1 (p.66).  The model is clear, concise and gives a list of priorities, many of which we’ll cover in upcoming chapters.  The model is a bit tricky to see in my e-book, so here’s a chart that's easier to read.     

STARS model.png

I realize it’s a bit fuzzy, so here’s a link to the original.  Scroll down to “The STARS Framework” box about ⅓ of the way down the page.   If you like the STARS model, you may enjoy the article too.

Related to the STARS model is another great point (p.69).   Many of you will need “.....the ability to transform the prevailing organizational psychology in predictable ways”.  There’s a short, but powerful summary using the STARS model to guide your efforts.       

And I'll include a reminder:  “You cannot figure out where to take a new organization if you do not understand where it has been and how it got where it is” (p.69).   This links back to the past/present/future exercise from last chapter.   


For those of you managing a portfolio, using the STARS model becomes a little more complicated. There's some information on p. 70, but the case study (Karl) offers the best insights.

Turnarounds vs. Realignment

For those of you facing either of these situations, Table 3.3 (p.72) is a great resource.


This is great case study.  Lengthy with lots to teach us.  Here are a few of my takeaways:  

  • Assessing the challenge: STARS model effectively applied to organization and portfolio.

  • Problem preference: Shift from technical problems emphasis in past role to cultural/political in new role. This was outside Karl’s comfort zone, but he doesn’t shy away from the challenges. I mention this because I've seen many leaders get stuck in this transition trap. They retreat back to technical problems to avoid the political/cultural problems they feel ill-equipped to handle.

  • Culture+: Multiple levels including moving to a new country.

  • “What kind of change am I being called on to lead?” (p.65): Great question, no? Perfect for the interview/hiring phase.

What were your takeaways?

Chapter Questions (p.77-78)

These are great.  Be selective because there are a lot.  Definitely worth your time.


This was a meaty chapter.  Great model (STARS). A comprehensive case study.   And thought-provoking questions (p.77-78). All to help you prepare for your new role.      

This chapter may take more time than previous chapters.  But worth it.

That’s it for Chapter 3…… next week Chapter 4.