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Your Leadership Development: Before You Start

I’ve been meaning to write about this topic for a while now.

I’m frustrated. By the volumes upon volumes of leadership "how to" books, blogs, podcasts, articles...... All focused on the skills every leader needs to succeed.   

It’s such BS.

The endless lists of things “Every leader should know”. Or do.  Or accomplish before breakfast. Or read.  Or…..

The reality is you can suck at a lot of things and still be successful.

How do I know?

Look around.

Who’s successful in your organization?  Who's been promoted?

If you were to grade them on a list of “Top 10 Things Every Successful Leader Must Do”, how would they score?

Look around at the business leaders you respect.   How would Steve Jobs do? Elon Musk? Jeff Immelt?

Leaders are flawed.  They don’t conform to the countless lists of things “Every Great Leader Does before Breakfast”.

They suck at a lot of things.

And they're successful.

I’m writing this because it I see leaders working towards an idealized version of what leadership is.

It’s not the way to success.

Success is messy.  Imperfect. It’s flawed people leading flawed teams in flawed organizations.  And accomplishing a few spectacular things.

Why does this matter?

You have a small window in your day, your week to focus on your own development.  And that’s all you need.

Make peace with the fact you’ll suck at a lot of things.  Be mediocre at others.

So will your team.  Your organization.

Spend your time figuring out the few things that will make the biggest difference.

For you.  Your team.  Your organization.

Focus on those.

That's where success lies.

See this gallery in the original post