Too Many Projects on the Go? Read this...

Spring is in the air here in beautiful YYC. Any spring cleaning plans in your future?

Maybe there should be!

There’s a great article from Harvard Business Review that’s got me thinking.


Why Companies Won’t Let Bad Projects Die

Rose Hollister and Michael D. Watkins


Reading this, I wondered if an annual spring cleaning ritual would be a good thing for a senior leadership team? Or ..... how about leaders across the entire organization?

Imagine how energizing it could be for your teams. Clear out the tedious old projects. Hit reset. And begin anew.

If this sounds like something that your team, your organization could benefit from, this article has a lot to love.

Along with great information, there are several tools for you to try out. For example, there's a brief assessment to help you identify which projects are long past their "best before" date.

Wrapping up:

Grab a cup of coffee. Find a spot in the sun. And enjoy the article.

Spring’s here.

Time for a little clean-up……..and a fresh start.