Projects Not Delivering Anymore? Read this...

If you’ve followed my blog, you’ll know projects aren’t my thing. But I work with a lot of leaders who live and die by the success (or failure) of projects. So my antenna is always up for articles that offer valuable insights + solid data.

This is that kind of article.

Here’s a snippet

To understand why some improvements are sustained and others aren’t, the researchers examined 204 lean projects

“....among the 79% that showed initial improvements, many regressed: Only 73% were still producing results above baseline after a year, and after two years the number fell to 44%
— Why Agile Project Fizzle Out

If you’re working on a project that’s had initial success, but is now struggling, check out the article below.

Why Agile Projects Fizzle Out

By Matthias Holweg, Bradley Staats, and David M. Upton

Wrapping up:

Leading projects is tough. A million minefields and expectations that don’t match reality.

This article provides a more complete picture.

A picture that can help manage expectations and troubleshoot declines before they take hold.